savvato-software / tribe-app-frontend

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Frontend - Connect: Detail Connection: Add / Remove Attributes #111

Open mrsbluerose opened 1 month ago

mrsbluerose commented 1 month ago

Have a discussion about this one! Details need to be fleshed out.

You should be able to add an attribute you think applies to a user.

You should be able to remove your cosign for an attribute.

Also, the Detail page should show the users top attributes they want others to cosign. Need to think about how to do that.

Import from Jira:

Jira Discussion:

Sebastian: we can store an array containing an order of attribute ID. We would also need a table of all the available attributes. the proposed flow would be:

user gets all attributes “assigned” to them and order them. The front end then sends the data to the back to be ordered in the array containing attribute ID in the order designated by the frontend. The array is then stored in the database in the user table.

Jonathan: First thing to think about here is the User’s Favorite Attributes features.. The user should be able to select a set of their attributes which they most want the other folks to vote on. For instance, they should be able to select a Top Attribute, then Second, Third so forth. Give them a priority/sequence.

How is this going to be stored in the database? What endpoints should we define and what should they return?

”It doesn’t seem that complicated…” – a young programmer on his way to experiential scars.

For the cosign.. The flow is that Alice, who has already connected with Jason, sees him skateboarding, and goes to his profile, selects the attribute, and chooses cosign, and then that pairing of Alice’s userId and Jason’s userId along with attribute Id in the database.

Need an endpoint to get a list of cosigns that a user has received. We may display those on the frontend on the frontend as badges. If so consider elsewhere how we may use badges. But I digress.

The flow here, is that Alice goes to Jason’s profile, sees skateboarding among his attributes, clicks on it, is taken to a new page. From there she can click cosign, to add herself to the list of cosigners. Also, we see the list of other cosigners.

We will need a table to store Jason’s favorite attributes, so that the frontend can display these prominently.