sawa-zen / shree

lite three.js
MIT License
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Cannot compile shader #127

Open Overbord opened 3 years ago

Overbord commented 3 years ago

Love this project and the initiative, thank you so much for it.

But I have a problem where I'm getting a 'cannot compile shader' error every time one of my 'stars' is created, you can see what happens here:

This is my code:

` //Declare shree.js variables var $instance = $(this),camera, scene, renderer, stars=[]; //assign shree.js objects to each variable function init(){ var $width = document.querySelector('.intergalactic').offsetWidth; var $height = document.querySelector('.intergalactic').offsetHeight; //camera camera = new SHREE.Camera(80, $width / $height, 1, 4000 ); camera.position.z = 1000;

    scene = new SHREE.Scene();

    renderer = new SHREE.Renderer();
    //set the size of the renderer
    renderer.setSize( $width, $height );

    //add the renderer to the html document body
    document.querySelector('.intergalactic').appendChild( renderer.domElement );


function addSphere(){

            // The loop will move from z position of -1000 to z position 1000, adding a random particle at each position. 
            for ( var z= -1000; z < 1000; z+=3 ) {

                // Make a sphere (exactly the same as before). 
                var geometry   = new SHREE.Geometry(0.5, 32, 32)
                var material = new SHREE.Material( {color: 0x7e00dd} );
                var sphere = new SHREE.Mesh(geometry, material)

                // This time we give the sphere random x and y positions between -500 and 500
                sphere.position.x = Math.random() * 1000 - 500;
                sphere.position.y = Math.random() * 1000 - 500;

                // Then set the z position to where it is in the loop (distance of camera)
                sphere.position.z = z;

                // scale it up a bit
                sphere.scale.x = sphere.scale.y = 2.5;

                //add the sphere to the scene
                scene.add( sphere );

                //finally push it to the stars array 

function animateStars() { 

    // loop through each star
    for(var i=0; i<stars.length; i++) {

        star = stars[i]; 

        // and move it forward dependent on the mouseY position. 
        star.position.z +=  2;

        // if the particle is too close move it to the back
        if(star.position.z>1000) star.position.z-=2000; 



function render() {
    //get the frame
    requestAnimationFrame( render );

    //render the scene
    renderer.render( scene, camera );



        function updateRendererSize() {
            if (camera) {
        var $width = document.querySelector('.intergalactic').offsetWidth;

var $height = document.querySelector('.intergalactic').offsetHeight; camera.aspect = $width / $height; camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); renderer.setSize( $width, $height ); } }

window.onresize = updateRendererSize;`

Here is it working with three.js:

sawa-zen commented 3 years ago

@Overbord I'm sorry for the late reply, I didn't notice the issue until later. I'll check it out here as well.