sawickiap / D3d12info

A Windows console tool that prints all the information about the GPU extracted using DXGI and Direct3D 12
MIT License
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add missing D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS12::RelaxedFormatCastingSupported #9

Closed didito closed 11 months ago

didito commented 11 months ago


Type: Out BOOL

Technically used to indicate support for the functionality that enables integer aliasing.

Requires the DirectX 12 Agility SDK 1.7 or later; otherwise, the value is always FALSE.

I guess fix would be to add

Print_BOOL(L"RelaxedFormatCastingSupported", o.RelaxedFormatCastingSupported);


sawickiap commented 11 months ago

Thank you for finding this bug! I don't know how could I miss that property 😀 I fixed it and I created release 1.5.1.