sayanarijit / xplr

A hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorer
MIT License
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Broken icons #637

Closed reagle closed 1 year ago

reagle commented 1 year ago

Just heard of this and gave it my first try and see the icons are broken.

xplr 0.21.2 iterm2 3.4.19 macOS 13.4.1 22F82 arm64

sayanarijit commented 1 year ago

Hi. Icons aren't built-in. These are just placeholders.

Try any of the icons plugin from this list:

reagle commented 1 year ago

I followed the directions for material-landscape and get an error:

13:28:01|ERROR) 'version' must be defined globally in /Users...
sayanarijit commented 1 year ago

Right... You need to define the version in the config file for compatibility check. See

reagle commented 1 year ago

Okay, so that error goes away, but I don't think my icon install worked. I suggest an app should be able to work as shown in screenshots upon install. (Couldn't you use unicode for initial icons?) I'm going to put this aside for now.

sayanarijit commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback. Will update the demo when I get some time. As for unicode icons, it's difficult to find something that works on most systems and in most terminals, without special configuration. PRs are welcome BTW.

sayanarijit commented 1 year ago

You can join the discord/matrix if you need help. People are nice there. Closing this for now.