sayanarijit / xplr

A hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorer
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init: Fix error upon deleting file on non-GNU systems #658

Closed lcook closed 11 months ago

lcook commented 11 months ago

When passing arguments to xargs binaries can only be used, we cannot use a shells builtin command, so this issue cannot be subverted just by installing bash. In this instance, my systems printf implementation does not support the %q format specification—specifically a GNU extension. Yielding this error upon trying to delete a file:

printf: illegal format character q

For a more visual example;

% uname ; man 1 printf | grep '%q' | wc -l
% printf "%q\n" \f \oo 'bar'* baz
printf: illegal format character q
% bash -c 'printf "%q\n" \f \oo 'bar'* baz '

Remedying this is just a case of not using xargs and instead iterating through each line of the output pipe, then calling bash's builtin printf (oppose to an actual binary). While bash is still a hard requirement, this makes things less of a headache for new users on non-GNU-like system, in my case FreeBSD (to my understanding neither of the other BSD's support the %q format, seems to be another GNU-ism).

Retrospectively looking, I can only find xargs mentioned in the documentation;

% git grep 'xargs'
docs/en/src/            --preview="echo {}|sed 's#.*->  ##'| xargs exa --color=always" \

It might be worthwhile combing through the available plugins that may make use of xargs and GNU extensions.

Many thanks, and thank you for your continued work on xplr.

Closes: #652

sayanarijit commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the fix with detailed explanation. I'll try to keep a bsd handy to test things before the next release.

I don't think I have used xargs in plugins other than xargs.xplr. still will check again.

sayanarijit commented 11 months ago

Sorry mistakenly closed