sayanarijit / xplr

A hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorer
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xplr crashes if terminal has <= 94 columns #718

Closed abhinavnatarajan closed 3 weeks ago

abhinavnatarajan commented 1 month ago

There is a particular folder on my computer, that if I open up in xplr, will cause a crash if the terminal window has 94 or fewer columns. This does not happen when the number of columns is greater than or equal or 95.

I am running wezterm (20240203-110809-5046fc22). In both previews below, I try to open the folder named 'homological_algebra' using xplr.

sayanarijit commented 1 month ago

Very interesting. Could be a ratatui issue. Not sure. Is there a file with a very long name?

abhinavnatarajan commented 1 month ago

Not really, all the file names are at most 30 characters. The issue is likely an upstream bug in ratatui, and the fix has not yet made its way to a release. I will try building with the latest nightly version of ratatui to check if the issue persists.

abhinavnatarajan commented 1 month ago

I can confirm that the issue is resolved when using the latest commit of ratatui, so perhaps this issue can be closed when they next release.

sayanarijit commented 1 month ago

Let’s keep it open till the next release, so that others can see this.

abhinavnatarajan commented 1 month ago

ratatui v0.26.3 has been released and contains the relevant fix.