saykalik / SamsungSpeakerController

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Alexa Action? #2

Open austinfathman opened 6 years ago

austinfathman commented 6 years ago

Could you provide a how-to to create this as an alexa action, or at least running these commands in lambda?


saykalik commented 6 years ago

I will look for the code again but I had to create a Lambda function that Alexa called which then called my service. This removed the need to have a certificate on my service. Its a little involved since you have to create a custom Alexa action and have that point to the lambda function. Then create the lambda function which calls the Samsung Speaker Controller service endpoint.

This is pretty standard for a custom Alexa action, the only unique part is that the function ends up calling the controller using its REST protocol.

Let me know if you want more details around the Alexa action or lambda function.

austinfathman commented 6 years ago

I'm fairly familiar with Alexa actions and lamba functions, was curious about how you called into your controller to use the commands, so an export of the lambda function would be interesting to see.