sayontan / suffusion

The Suffusion Theme for WordPress
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Indenting Issue in the editor. #71

Closed mbrsolution closed 8 months ago

mbrsolution commented 8 months ago

Hello all, I would like anyone to test if this is an issue or not in your installation. By the way this is not urgent at all :)

I am using TinyMCE visual editor, "Gutenberg is disabled". When I indent a numbered list, instead of staying as a number it changes to a letter when you view the post from the front, "not the backend".

suffusion-4 6 2-indent-issue

When you use Twenty Seventeen theme it displays normally.


Thank you. Manuel

mbtools commented 8 months ago






The list levels are defined in style.css

TinyMCE does not respect the theme styles. There're plugins like TinyMCE Custom CSS. Maybe you try to add the suffusion styles using that one.

mbrsolution commented 8 months ago

Thank you for pointing to the correct area. It also makes sense to change the style of the bulleted list or numbered list when you indent the line of characters. It would not be correct to have the same style per indentation. It does not make sense. I just thought that it was a bit strange for WordPress to respect Twenty Seventeen theme style in the editor but not respect Suffusion theme style in the editor. When you view the indentation on the front end using Suffusion theme it displays correctly based on the following code. It just does not display correctly on the classic editor screen while editing the post :( No big deal....

 ol ol { 

If anyone wants to play around with the classic style editor you can use the following plugin which is still maintained by the WordPress community.

Unfortunately the developer of the following plugin wishes to retire.

Thank you for your time :)


marcissimus commented 8 months ago

The plugin still works for fixing the styles via editor-styles.css. I added the editor-styles.css to the repo in #72.

mbrsolution commented 8 months ago

Thank you @marcissimus. I appreciate it. I will close this thread now. Regards, Manuel