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XSS attacks occur at the time of friend link application #94

Open superd1ng opened 1 year ago

superd1ng commented 1 year ago

image 申请友链 在友链处插入<img src=x onerror=alert(1)> The application friend link is inserted at the friend link <img src=x onerror=alert(1)> image 登录后台后,进入链接下的全部链接,触发XSS After logging in to the background, XSS is triggered by entering all links under the link image 此处,可直接攻击到管理员,甚至破坏网站,插入恶意内容、重定向用户、使用恶意软件劫持用户浏览器、繁殖XSS蠕虫等等 Here, you can attack administrators directly, even destroy websites, insert malicious content, redirect users, use malware to hijack users' browsers, reproduce XSS worms, and so on 修复建议: Repair suggestions: 在代码中 写入一个XSS的过滤类,对一切用户的输入,输出的内容进行html实体编码 Write an XSS filter class in the code, all user input, output content for html entity encoding