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Rename some rubocop rules #249

Closed traylenator closed 4 years ago

traylenator commented 4 years ago

Various rename of rubocop configurations:

.rubocop.yml: Metrics/LineLength has the wrong namespace - should be Layout
Error: The `Layout/AlignArray` cop has been renamed to `Layout/ArrayAlignment`.
(obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)
The `Layout/AlignHash` cop has been renamed to `Layout/HashAlignment`.
(obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)
The `Layout/AlignParameters` cop has been renamed to `Layout/ParameterAlignment`.
(obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)
The `Layout/IndentFirstArrayElement` cop has been renamed to `Layout/FirstArrayElementIndentation`.
(obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)
The `Layout/IndentFirstHashElement` cop has been renamed to `Layout/FirstHashElementIndentation`.
(obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)
The `Layout/TrailingBlankLines` cop has been renamed to `Layout/TrailingEmptyLines`.
(obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)
The `Lint/HandleExceptions` cop has been renamed to `Lint/SuppressedException`.
(obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)
The `Lint/StringConversionInInterpolation` cop has been renamed to `Lint/RedundantStringCoercion`.
(obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)