saz / puppet-sudo

Manage sudo with Puppet on Debian-, RedHat- and SUSE-based linux distributions and some BSDs
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Important Line missing in Debian 7 #63

Closed max06 closed 10 years ago

max06 commented 10 years ago

Defaults secure_path="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"

This line seems to get removed when using this module on debian 7. Using sudo is complicated without.

tosmi commented 10 years ago

seems strange to me. there is a separate template for wheezy (hope thats 7, as i'm not a debian user) which includes the secure_path setting (files/sudoers.wheezy). which version of the module are you using? did you change any of the default parameters for the module (e.g. enable)?

please also show us the output of

$ facter lsbdistcodename $ facter osfamily

as this is used to decide which template should be deployed under debian.

thanks toni

max06 commented 10 years ago

I'm using V 2.2.0 of your module Debian 7.5 = wheezy

There's a files sudo/files/sudoers.wheezy, which shows the missing line. lsbdistcodename: wheezy osfamily: Debian

No changes in usage: class { 'sudo': } some sudo::conf...

tosmi commented 10 years ago

ok, in 2.2.0 here's the problem (from params.pp)

case $::osfamily { debian: { case $::operatingsystemrelease { '7.0': { $source = "${source_base}sudoers.wheezy"

so you have version 7.5 of wheezy and the right template gets never deployed. this changed in 2.3.0 to use lsbdistcodename, so i would recommend an update to this version. you could also upgrade to the latest version, but be aware of the purge parameter introduced with 3.0.


saz commented 10 years ago

@tosmi has provided a solution. I'll close this issue.