sazanof / MODxLetters
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json language file required #18

Open BBloke opened 4 years ago

BBloke commented 4 years ago

Is there a file missing: english.json from languages/datatables?

{ "sEmptyTable": "Table is empty", "sInfo": "Showing Entries from START to END in TOTAL", "sInfoEmpty": "0 of 0 in 0", "sInfoFiltered": "(nothing found)", "sInfoPostFix": "", "sInfoThousands": ".", "sLengthMenu": "MENU Records per page", "sLoadingRecords": "Downloading records from the database...", "sProcessing": "Please wait...", "sSearch": "Search", "sZeroRecords": "No Matches", "oPaginate": { "sFirst": "Start", "sPrevious": "Previous", "sNext": "Next", "sLast": "Last" }, "oAria": { "sSortAscending": ": Ascending", "sSortDescending": ": Descending" } }