sb2bg / CustomDeathMessages

CustomDeathMessages from spigot
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Hook into Essentials Discord #17

Open supertakeru opened 1 year ago

supertakeru commented 1 year ago


I think it would be a great idea to be able to hook onto Discord chat plugins like Essentials Discord to be able to display the death messages on the discord chat.

sb2bg commented 1 year ago

I'm already working on DiscordSRV. I'm not familiar with Essentials Discord? I tried looking it up but I couldn't really see much about it. Is it similar to DiscordSRV?

Also, I've told someone this before but it makes a lot more sense for it to be left here:

The (DiscordSRV) API doesn't allow me to hook and add support by myself, so I've contacted their developers. This could take as long as they want, or never. Now, there is no other solution to this without interaction from their end, so I may eventually make a pull request depending on their response.

supertakeru commented 1 year ago

It is made by the EssentialsX team and it is really similar to DiscordSRV. I think they have a developer API on this link.

sb2bg commented 1 year ago

Ahh, yes, they have message channels for death that I can hook into. Thanks for the suggestion. Expect it by next update hopefully.

supertakeru commented 1 year ago

god blast you sir

sb2bg commented 1 year ago

I've already implemented it, I just need to test it now

supertakeru commented 1 year ago

How is the testing going?

sb2bg commented 1 year ago

Essentials Discord works fully, waiting on DiscordSRV implementation. Ideally, they will be bundled into one update. I'm out of town, so I don't have an ETA currently. Thanks for being patient!!