Created a sine function to approximate the phase of the moon through the getPhase function
-- this should be double checked, some of the January, 2020 observations looked a little off
helper functions include
phaseSign which determines if the moon phase is waxing waning
toDatetime which converts a night into a datetime object (perhaps this function should be merged)
numNightsFullZero (which calculates the number of days which have passed since a specific full moon on Nov. 12, 2019)
getWedge which, given the phase of the moon, plots a point onto the figure (from skypath plot) as either a ring, wedge, or full circle depending on the phase of the moon
getMoonRend which configures getWedge with specific settings such as the phase and phaseSign
Plotted the calculated phases as either wedges or empty rings on the skypath plot (the rings could use some style fixes)
Created a sine function to approximate the phase of the moon through the getPhase function -- this should be double checked, some of the January, 2020 observations looked a little off
helper functions include
Plotted the calculated phases as either wedges or empty rings on the skypath plot (the rings could use some style fixes)
This addresses issue #27