sbcshop / MotorShield

Designed to help you get your Raspberry Pi based Robot. This board can control DC motor as well as the stepper motor. You can connect your IR and Ultrasonic sensors to tell your robot about its environment. You can easily make your Line Following, Object following, Wall following, Maze-Solver Robots.
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Bipolar Stepper Motor Code Request #25

Open kevinblueline opened 3 years ago

kevinblueline commented 3 years ago

I am needing some guidance for code and GUI. I am attempting to connect two bipolar 4 wire stepper motors to the MotorShield. I am very green with coding so please forgive my ignorance. Can I use the GUI provided and only use the Motor 1 and Motor 3 tabs. I would like to have the GUI setup for only two motors if possible.