sbdevman / Vsts

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Example Path configuration #1

Open rblaettler opened 7 years ago

rblaettler commented 7 years ago

This is not an issue per se, but more a suggestion /cry for help.

Could you provide some examples for the path configurations?

If tried those: **\bin\$(BuildConfiguration)\ApiSQL.Tests.dll.config $/Supertext/Supertext/ApiSQL.Tests/App.Debug.config

While the 2nd one works, I get a "No attribute 'key' exists for the Match Locator" and it's really not the file I need to transform. I would need the transform the the ApiSQL.Tests.dll.config file that is in the bin/debug folder.

Any ideas?

sbdevman commented 7 years ago

Hi , which one do you want ?

naturalstyl commented 7 years ago

Hello sbabaei,

As for rblaettler issue, it appears that neither file transform is working although the person needs the ApiSQL.Tests.dll.config transform to work specifically.

I can't get the transform to work for my web.config for a legacy ASP.Net website (not web project). The task successfully completes but the web.config doesn't get updated. I was testing the task by trying to update my connection strings.

Also, I will need to transform a dll.config.

Thanks for you time.

sbdevman commented 7 years ago

Hi naturalstyl , Thank you for your opinion . It does not depend to any project type or tempalate . It just use Transform.dll for msbuild and visual studio . You can transform any config file that use xdt template for transformation . for rblaettler suggestions I think in future update all of his suggestions can be done. Tnx

naturalstyl commented 7 years ago

Hi sbabaei,

Thanks for the quick response. I still haven't figured out why the transforms won't work for the website. Maybe because websites don't recognize any other configurations except for Debug and Release; I was targeting QA. Nevertheless, I was able to transform the web.config using a web project to hold the configs and transforms. Then I used your task to update the website. Thanks again for your help.