sbenthall / SHARKFin

Simulating Heterogeneous Agents with Finance
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Simulation checklist #269

Open sbenthall opened 5 months ago

sbenthall commented 5 months ago

We need to finalize the configuration of the simulation.





? - optional parameter if we have time.

seeds = 100

AMMPS parameters:

mm_lucas_factor =[0.0, .5?, 1.0]

SHARKFin parameters:

--dphm [1, 20?, 148, 1097] # (e^0, e^5, e^7) [looking for effect of this on the flash crash]

--attention [0.001,0.01?, 0.1, 1.0] [looking for effect of this on the flash crash] --zeta [0.0, 0.1, 0.5?, 1.0]

--p1? --p2? --dividend_growth_rate? --dividend_stdev [0.5x?, x]

--pop_CRRA 5 --pop_DiscFac 0.9 --pop_aNrmInitMean 0.02677 # ????

Additional stochastic variables:

mesalas commented 5 months ago

I just want to flag that i have CRRA of 6 in my configs but above says 5

Id like to do a run where we set the standard deviation of the dividend process to 1/2 of what we are using now. ie 0.005994 . If we do this we need to make sure we change this across both ammps and sharkfin. For the ammps side of things the dividend process standard deviation used by the lucas asset pricing agents can be set by using the command line argument --dividend_std when generating the ammps config.

sbenthall commented 5 months ago

Sorry for the confusion.

@alanlujan91 and I met yesterday and agreed:

I can take responsibility for getting the correct parameters into the SHARKFin configuration via the CLI.

I'm not sure I'm following what you're saying about doing a run with less dividend stdev. Let's discuss soon.

mesalas commented 5 months ago

I think we should also add to the check list that we should double check commands that Bills scripts use to call ammps_config_generator, ammps and SHARKfin.