sberbank-ai-lab / RePlay

RecSys Library
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check for shuffle #32

Open monkey0head opened 3 years ago

monkey0head commented 3 years ago

check base_rec and models code for redundant joins and groupBy

AleXXL1986 commented 2 years ago

find information about problems with Spark (groupBy, joins, how to replace it without)) in internet and how to solve it. Solve it in base_rec

Darel13712 commented 2 years ago

run base_rec code by hand, calling explain along the way to see if shuffle of cross joins arise

Darel13712 commented 2 years ago

In base rec the only suspicious place is filtering seen items.

First we leave max_seen items per user, then seen+k and then do anti join with log. Seems we could just do anti join and call get_top_k function. Here is the execution plan for recs

== Physical Plan ==
*(4) Project [coalesce(user_idx#1058, 0) AS user_idx#1080, coalesce(item_idx#1059, 0) AS item_idx#1081, coalesce(nanvl(relevance#1060, null), 0.0) AS relevance#1082]
+- *(4) Filter (cast(coalesce(temp_rank#1065, 0) as bigint) <= (coalesce(seen_count#908L, 0) + 10))
   +- *(4) BroadcastHashJoin [user_idx#1058], [user_idx#544], LeftOuter, BuildRight
      :- *(4) Filter (isnotnull(temp_rank#1065) AND (temp_rank#1065 <= 2708))
      :  +- Window [row_number() windowspecdefinition(user_idx#1058, relevance#1060 DESC NULLS LAST, specifiedwindowframe(RowFrame, unboundedpreceding$(), currentrow$())) AS temp_rank#1065], [user_idx#1058], [relevance#1060 DESC NULLS LAST]
      :     +- *(2) Sort [user_idx#1058 ASC NULLS FIRST, relevance#1060 DESC NULLS LAST], false, 0
      :        +- Exchange hashpartitioning(user_idx#1058, 24), true, [id=#1360]
      :           +- *(1) ColumnarToRow
      :              +- FileScan parquet [user_idx#1058,item_idx#1059,relevance#1060] Batched: true, DataFilters: [], Format: Parquet, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:/Users/darel/python/sponge-bob-magic/pops], PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [], ReadSchema: struct<user_idx:int,item_idx:int,relevance:double>
      +- BroadcastExchange HashedRelationBroadcastMode(List(cast(input[0, int, false] as bigint))), [id=#1371]
         +- *(3) Filter isnotnull(user_idx#544)
            +- *(3) ColumnarToRow
               +- InMemoryTableScan [user_idx#544, seen_count#908L], [isnotnull(user_idx#544)]
                     +- InMemoryRelation [user_idx#544, seen_count#908L], StorageLevel(disk, memory, deserialized, 1 replicas)
                           +- *(2) HashAggregate(keys=[user_idx#544], functions=[count(item_idx#606)])
                              +- Exchange hashpartitioning(user_idx#544, 24), true, [id=#583]
                                 +- *(1) HashAggregate(keys=[user_idx#544], functions=[partial_count(item_idx#606)])
                                    +- *(1) Project [user_idx#544, cast(item_idx#594 as int) AS item_idx#606]
                                       +- *(1) Project [cast(user_idx#532 as int) AS user_idx#544, UDF(cast(item_id#477 as string)) AS item_idx#594]
                                          +- *(1) Project [item_id#477, UDF(cast(user_id#476 as string)) AS user_idx#532]
                                             +- *(1) Scan ExistingRDD arrow[user_id#476,item_id#477,rating#478,timestamp#479,relevance#480]
AleXXL1986 commented 2 years ago

add please spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold =-1 to conf and check build plan again.

Darel13712 commented 2 years ago
== Physical Plan ==
*(9) Project [coalesce(user_idx#1133, 0) AS user_idx#1853, coalesce(item_idx#1134, 0) AS item_idx#1854, coalesce(nanvl(relevance#1135, null), 0.0) AS relevance#1855]
+- SortMergeJoin [coalesce(user_idx#1133, 0), coalesce(item_idx#1134, 0)], [user#1872, item#1866], LeftAnti
   :- *(6) Sort [coalesce(user_idx#1133, 0) ASC NULLS FIRST, coalesce(item_idx#1134, 0) ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
   :  +- Exchange hashpartitioning(coalesce(user_idx#1133, 0), coalesce(item_idx#1134, 0), 24), true, [id=#1868]
   :     +- *(5) Project [user_idx#1133, item_idx#1134, relevance#1135]
   :        +- *(5) Filter (cast(coalesce(temp_rank#1838, 0) as bigint) <= (coalesce(seen_count#1787L, 0) + 10))
   :           +- *(5) BroadcastHashJoin [user_idx#1133], [user_idx#1479], LeftOuter, BuildRight
   :              :- *(5) Filter (isnotnull(temp_rank#1838) AND (temp_rank#1838 <= 2708))
   :              :  +- Window [row_number() windowspecdefinition(user_idx#1133, relevance#1135 DESC NULLS LAST, specifiedwindowframe(RowFrame, unboundedpreceding$(), currentrow$())) AS temp_rank#1838], [user_idx#1133], [relevance#1135 DESC NULLS LAST]
   :              :     +- *(2) Sort [user_idx#1133 ASC NULLS FIRST, relevance#1135 DESC NULLS LAST], false, 0
   :              :        +- Exchange hashpartitioning(user_idx#1133, 24), true, [id=#1850]
   :              :           +- *(1) ColumnarToRow
   :              :              +- FileScan parquet [user_idx#1133,item_idx#1134,relevance#1135] Batched: true, DataFilters: [], Format: Parquet, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:/Users/darel/python/sponge-bob-magic/pops], PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [], ReadSchema: struct<user_idx:int,item_idx:int,relevance:double>
   :              +- BroadcastExchange HashedRelationBroadcastMode(List(cast(input[0, int, true] as bigint))), [id=#1862]
   :                 +- *(4) HashAggregate(keys=[user_idx#1479], functions=[count(item_idx#1541)])
   :                    +- Exchange hashpartitioning(user_idx#1479, 24), true, [id=#1858]
   :                       +- *(3) HashAggregate(keys=[user_idx#1479], functions=[partial_count(item_idx#1541)])
   :                          +- *(3) Project [user_idx#1479, cast(item_idx#1529 as int) AS item_idx#1541]
   :                             +- *(3) Filter isnotnull(user_idx#1479)
   :                                +- *(3) Project [cast(user_idx#1467 as int) AS user_idx#1479, UDF(cast(item_id#1412 as string)) AS item_idx#1529]
   :                                   +- *(3) Project [item_id#1412, UDF(cast(user_id#1411 as string)) AS user_idx#1467]
   :                                      +- *(3) Scan ExistingRDD arrow[user_id#1411,item_id#1412,rating#1413,timestamp#1414,relevance#1415]
   +- *(8) Sort [user#1872 ASC NULLS FIRST, item#1866 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
      +- Exchange hashpartitioning(user#1872, item#1866, 24), true, [id=#1873]
         +- *(7) Project [user_idx#1479 AS user#1872, cast(item_idx#1529 as int) AS item#1866]
            +- *(7) Filter (isnotnull(user_idx#1479) AND isnotnull(cast(item_idx#1529 as int)))
               +- *(7) Project [cast(user_idx#1467 as int) AS user_idx#1479, UDF(cast(item_id#1412 as string)) AS item_idx#1529]
                  +- *(7) Project [item_id#1412, UDF(cast(user_id#1411 as string)) AS user_idx#1467]
                     +- *(7) Scan ExistingRDD arrow[user_id#1411,item_id#1412,rating#1413,timestamp#1414,relevance#1415]
monkey0head commented 2 years ago

Leaving max_seen items before join was an optimisation which I did. It speeds up shuffle significantly, because without filtering all data (num users in predict * num items in dataset) shuffles for no reason.

Any of leaving max_seen or joining with count_by_user (only with broadcast join) significantly speeds up execution. I used both and it may be redundant.

May be the better way is leave max_seen items per user and then perform anti_join. You can see results on screenshot and details in the notebook.

predict with filtering seen:

Screenshot 2021-12-13 at 14 07 51
monkey0head commented 2 years ago
