sberoch / RickAndMorty-AndroidArchitectureSample

A Rick And Morty simple app to show one approach to using some of the best practices in Android Development.
Apache License 2.0
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[Help] Unit test on repository #8

Open fadzlitown opened 3 years ago

fadzlitown commented 3 years ago

This sample architecture really inspired me a lot especially to start a new project. Unfortunately, I've stuck on unit test now.

Any chances to work on unit test? I did a unit test in repository. seems like performGetOperation getting

Overload resolution ambiguity:

public fun <T, A> performGetOperation(_sharePrefQuery: () -> LiveData<TypeVariable(T)>, networkCall: suspend () -> Either<ErrorResponse, Resource<TypeVariable(A)>>, _saveCallResult: suspend (TypeVariable(A)) -> Unit): LiveData<Resource<TypeVariable(T)>> defined in in file DataAccessStrategy.kt