sbertix / Swiftagram

A modern Swift wrapper for Instagram Private API.
Apache License 2.0
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login error ios 15 #302

Closed olegjunios closed 1 year ago

olegjunios commented 2 years ago

i have some issues with login using Swiftagram WebView-based Authentication and Basic Authenticator

The first problem with Basic: after test instagram account username and password are entered i send request. when i validate profile i get message from switch-case Authenticator.Error.generic(String) - "checkpoint_challenge_required" what could cause the problem ? my code:

Authenticator.keychain .basic(username: loginText! / username /, password: passwordText! / password /) .authenticate() .sink(receiveCompletion: { switch $0 { case .failure(let error): // Deal with two factor authentication. switch error { case Authenticator.Error.twoFactorChallenge(let challenge): print(challenge) break case Authenticator.Error.invalidPassword: print("invalidPassword") case Authenticator.Error.invalidUsername: print("invalidUsername") case Authenticator.Error.invalidURL: print("invalidURL") case Authenticator.Error.invalidResponse(let response): print("invalidURL", response.url as Any) case Authenticator.Error.generic(let stringErr): print(stringErr) < - this case default: print("default err", error.localizedDescription) break } default: print("default") break } }, receiveValue: { result in print("login_result: SUCCESS", result) }) .store(in: &self.bin)

Second problem with WebView-based: after test instagram account username and password are entered i send request. when i validate profile i get error message "There wsa a problem logging you into instagram" what could cause the problem ?

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