sbg / sevenbridges-r

Seven Bridges API Client, CWL Schema, Meta Schema, and SDK Helper in R
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Error when trying to create new draft task #71

Closed silpasuthram closed 5 years ago

silpasuthram commented 5 years ago

I am trying to create a new draft task using inputs from a previous task. See code below: p$task_add(

But when I run it, I get the following error:

checking inputs ... check id match file name: file name: c51f3e01-bc8f-4c37-91cf-35cbd943cd54_gdc_realn_rehead.bam file name: ERVmap_v2_all_sorted.bed Task drafting ... Done Error in envRefSetField(.Object, field, classDef, selfEnv, elements[[field]]) : ‘execution_settings’ is not a field in class “Task” Can you help?

nanxstats commented 5 years ago

Hi @silpasuthram -this is related to some recent improvements in the backend and the API, please update the package to the latest version (1.13.3), and that should resolve the issue.

To install the latest release version from Bioconductor, first make sure Biocondutor is updated to the latest release version (3.8), if not:

BiocManager::install(version = "3.8")

This probably will update all the Bioc packages to their latest version in the 3.8 branch. If not, use


to install/update it specifically.