sbgn / libsbgn

Libraries for the Systems Biology Graphical Notation (SBGN); Java and C++
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Proposal for text styles #21

Open cannin opened 13 years ago

cannin commented 13 years ago

What we have not specified here is more information about alignment, font, and fontsize. So right now it would be left to the tool how to render the text inside the given bounding box. In the SBML Render Extension this is defined through styles for example:

<style idList="tGlyph_5"> <g stroke="Color_2" font-family="Arial" font-size="11" font-style="normal" font-weight="normal" text-anchor="middle" vtext-anchor="top"/> </style>

While I'd love to have this kind of information eventually I think for the time being we could live without it, and define that the text is to be rendered horizontally and vertically centered in a bounding box with a font that does not overspill. If we could agree on this we would be able to at least qualitatively reproduce maps.

Best Frank

Reported by: amarillion

cannin commented 13 years ago

Original comment by: amarillion

matthiaskoenig commented 7 years ago

Most of this should be covered with the render extension. Not sure about the positioning of the label relative to the bounding box.