sbiermanlytle / iioEngine

iio Engine: A JavaScript game engine for HTML5 Canvas
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Migrate the code to TypeScript #15

Closed muratsu closed 10 years ago

muratsu commented 11 years ago

On the long run it might be easier to maintain the code base if you move to TypeScript ( It will still compile into pure javascript but makes life better. And also I strongly encourage the use of JsHint, it should be a part of the build system.

sbiermanlytle commented 11 years ago

JsHint looks like a good tool, I will try to incorporate its use in the next release. I'll try out TypeScript when I begin working on a full commercial application - I'd like to keep iio completely free of dependencies and its dev environment as simple as possible, but there's probably a lot of value in integrating with heavier development tools when working on large projects.

Zaxuhe commented 11 years ago

I do agree with the dependency free

sbiermanlytle commented 10 years ago

I checked into TypeScript for iio 1.3 and I concluded to keep iio dependency free and in pure JS.

I think the core is more readable now than when passed through JsHint - it requires a lot of unnecessary syntax. A goal of the project is also to keep the core as independent as possible from other api's.