sbiermanlytle / iioEngine

iio Engine: A JavaScript game engine for HTML5 Canvas
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Reference existing ioAppManager #21

Closed jamessimo closed 10 years ago

jamessimo commented 10 years ago

Is there any way that I can reference an already existing ioAppManager?

For example, I want to split my Global game logic and Level logic, like so.


var world;
function GameControl(io) {  
        //create the box2d world
        world = io.addB2World(new b2World(
        new b2Vec2(0, 30) 

currentLvl = new lvl1();

io.setB2Framerate(60, function(){
//Game Logic
};iio.start(GameControl, 'myCanvas');


lvl1.prototype.setup = function() {
//Define Background
        io.setBGImage(imgPath+'bg.gif'); //I WANT THIS TO REF THE GameControl(io) APP.

As far as I know, I don't see any clear way to reference an already existing ioAppManager. (so I can add objects and styles to the canvas

jamessimo commented 10 years ago

looking at

I managed to duplicate its behaviour and pass an existing AppManager to my level.