sbiermanlytle / iioEngine

iio Engine: A JavaScript game engine for HTML5 Canvas
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Is this framework still being actively developed? #22

Closed TheNeikos closed 10 years ago

TheNeikos commented 10 years ago

I ask because the forums are spam infested and the last commit was 3 months ago. I plan to do a few things with it, but if it has been abandoned I would rather pick something else.

I do hope that it still active and just on a dev hiatus right now.

sbiermanlytle commented 10 years ago

iio will never be abandoned. I've just been tied up with school work for a while... iio 1.3 is currently being developed though, and it is a MAJOR overhaul - I basically rewrote the whole thing and a lot of the syntax is going to be different. Starting in 3 weeks time, once I get through finals, I will be devoting 6 straight months to the development of iio and will also be building a new website that offers application hosting.

iio 1.3 should be released before the end of March on Github, the website will be completely redone by mid to late April, and 6 months from now, iio will be a commercial grade engine with apps in the Apple App store and on Google Play.

Stay tuned to updates via twitter [@iioEngine], but note that it'll be pretty quiet until I'm finished with finals. The forums have been cleaned up, but I'm going to be hesitant to offer a lot of support until 1.3 is released, because this new version will solve all of the problems that people had with 1.2.

TheNeikos commented 10 years ago

Awesome then! Although it is a shame that it is being done behind a curtain. Or will it not be offered as Open Source anymore?

(Also, good luck on your Finals!)

sbiermanlytle commented 10 years ago

It will be OS, but its not complete enough yet to be of much use. I also may end up making some fundamental changes before the release, so working with the current version may be a waste of time at this point.

I'll release a Beta version though when I've finalized all the big design decisions and upgraded a few demos - should be 2-3 weeks from now.


jamessimo commented 10 years ago

This is good news, I am using iio for two projects and its good to know the engine isn't dead.

And now the forum is cleaned up I think Ill make an account and show case my work!

sbiermanlytle commented 10 years ago

so... this is taking longer than I thought. But that's mainly because I have decided to redesign the engine once again. It's going to be worth the wait. The new version will support a new scripting language that interfaces with JavaScript and allows minimal and declarative syntax. I'm calling it iioScript, here's an early demo:

iioScript: HTML: Result:

I don't want to release this code yet (because it is subject to change), but it shows a lot of the engine features that are already implemented:

I should be able to release the completed source code within the next few weeks.

sbiermanlytle commented 10 years ago

iio 1.3 Beta has been released:

little behind schedule, but its getting there.