sbiermanlytle / iioEngine

iio Engine: A JavaScript game engine for HTML5 Canvas
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using add() with Box2d objects #24

Closed jamessimo closed 8 years ago

jamessimo commented 10 years ago

Hey guys, I want to draw a coloured iio rect with a small image in the center, however .setFillStyle() will always draw over the image .addImage() is there a way around this? (if you set the alpha to 50% I can see the image in the center)


sbiermanlytle commented 10 years ago

Use the addObj method to add a smaller rect to the large colored rect. The newer space shooter demo has an example - check out how the player names are created:

jamessimo commented 10 years ago

@sbiermanlytle that worked great, however I now want to do this to box2D objects.


            .prepGraphics('orange').addObj(new iio.SimpleRect(pxConv(20),pxConv(20)).addImage('img/star.png'));

Says that .addObj 'undefined is not a function' (without .addObj works)

sbiermanlytle commented 10 years ago

Ok, I tried to implement that function at one point for box2d after a similar question on the forums and ran into an issue that made me start working on v1.3.

When you use box2d, none of the iio control structures are actually running - all it does is attach a draw function to the box2d objects and adds a call to a global draw functions after the physics update - so you'll need to create a new Box2d object and fix it to the parent one.

There will be a deeper integration with box2d in v1.3.

jamessimo commented 8 years ago

Is this still an open issue in version 1.4?

sbiermanlytle commented 8 years ago

I think it is, the Box2d integration is basically the same in 1.4 as in 1.2. Still on the priority list though.

sbiermanlytle commented 8 years ago

The new docs discuss this aspect of using iio object management vs Box2d object management: Deeper mobile integration is more of a priority than deeper Box2d integration, so it may be a while until you can use iio's management functions on B2d objects