sbiermanlytle / iioEngine

iio Engine: A JavaScript game engine for HTML5 Canvas
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Pause / getGroup / alpha / floating text functionality #3

Closed Bahlor closed 11 years ago

Bahlor commented 11 years ago

simple set the rendering loop on hold.

io.pauseFramerate(bool); // true to stop, false to go on

Functionality to get objects from group.


Only tag is necessary. Tag and canvas should be familiar from addToGroup etc. "from" / "to" allows to reduce the returned object as needed. If "from" is given and no "to", it will automatically fetch the first value beggining at "from"

Possibility to use ioObject.styles.alpha = 0.25; to make object transparent.

Text can now float, just use .setWrap() and .setLineHeight(). Example:

Helloiio = function(io){
        var text = new iio.ioText('Hello iio!!',
              .setFont('30px Consolas')

        }; iio.start(Helloiio);
