sbinkert / ZplPrinter

Printer emulator for zpl rendering engine.
34 stars 21 forks source link

Some improvements - multiple labels and keep tcp connection alive if desired #5

Closed tuping closed 8 years ago

tuping commented 8 years ago

Helllo sbinkert,

I have made two pull requests to add some other funcionalities that I was missing.

First: print multtiple labels. I have made a simple check against multiple ^XZ terminator. Its very simple: zpl string is splited into multiple requests separated by each ^XZ terminator.

Second: keep tcp connection alive. Its useful to emulate a "virtual" com port. I use socat on Linux to accomplish that, like this:


while true; do
  echo "/dev/virtualcom0 (115200) -> tcp:localhost:9100"
  sudo socat -s pty,link=/dev/virtualcom0,raw,group=dialout,perm-late=777,b115200 tcp:localhost:9100

With that I can connect to a virtual com port "/dev/virtualcom0" and send ZPL string through serial connection (cool!).

Tks for your work.