sbird / fake_spectra

A code for generating fake spectra from a cosmological simulation
MIT License
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Update #24

Closed qezlou closed 5 years ago

qezlou commented 5 years ago

Actually, I do not quiet understand why there is a division by 10^10 in ienergy unit conversion. As I commented in code, I guess if we want to convert (km/s)^2 to (erg/g) we just need to multiply by unit.UnitInternalEnergy. Am I correct ?

Also, for density in interp_2d the code just passes the Raw density read from snapshot. Which we should convert to physical in cgs I guess.

sbird commented 5 years ago

For ienergy the rate network wants 10^-10 erg/g. UnitInternalEnergy converts it to erg/g

For density it calls get_code_rhoH in, which is:

def get_code_rhoH(self,part_type, segment):
    """Convert density to physical atoms /cm^3: internal gadget density unit is h^2 (1e10 M_sun) / kpc^3"""
    nH = self.absnap.get_data(part_type, "Density", segment=segment)
    conv = np.float32(self.units.UnitDensity_in_cgs*self.hubble**2/(self.units.protonmass)*(1+self.redshift)**3)
    #Convert to physical
    return nH*conv

and does the conversion.

qezlou commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry, you are right. The density is converted in get_code_rhoH. For ienergy as we just use it in _get_temp() it should be in (km/s)^2 since in calculating the temperature it will multiply by 10^10 by itself. Then we do not need unit conversion for ienergy. However here you are multiplying the ienergy by units.UnitInternalEnergy_in_cgs()/10**10, which is 1 I guess ?

qezlou commented 5 years ago

I just saw that in my plots I also did not do any unit conversion for ienergy as _get_temp deos it by itself. So, all my plots are consistent with the current format of this ratenetworkspectra and we are fine!

Sorry Because of getting confused.

sbird commented 5 years ago

No problem, thanks for checking.