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Orbit-fitting for directly imaged objects
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Likely Bugs in the "Using the O’Neil (2019) Observation-based Priors" Tutorial #381

Open gabeweible opened 2 months ago

gabeweible commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug

  1. The ObsPrior class in the source code of appears to want the required arguments ordered as: epochs, ra_err, dec_err, mtot, but the tutorial provides these arguments in the order: ra_err, dec_err, epochs, mtot (in the tutorial, the last of these is the system_mass variable).
  2. The astropy.table.column.Column variable for the error in relative declination, dec_err, should be assigned the value: mySystem.data_table["quant2_err"], but the tutorial assigns: mySystem.data_table["quant1_err"] (i.e., the same astropy.table.column.Column for relative right ascension as assigned to ra_err in the tutorial).

To Reproduce Go to: Using the O’Neil (2019) Observation-based Priors, Priors to compare argument ordering and see the dec_err assignment in the tutorial.

Screenshots Screenshot from 2024-09-27 10-06-00 Screenshot from 2024-09-27 10-05-26

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