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saad_9 #253

Open tanvirsaad opened 1 week ago

tanvirsaad commented 1 week ago

I have created a EKS cluster for gitlab runners, when I execute the terraform operations the Container Pod ( Kubernetes Excutor) assumes Worker Node Role. AS per documentation of EKS and also Terraform


The terraform init fails with below error ---

Initializing the backend...

2021/04/20 11:30:35 [INFO] Successfully derived credentials from session

2021/04/20 11:30:35 [INFO] AWS Auth provider used: "EC2RoleProvider"

2021/04/20 11:30:35 [DEBUG] Trying to get account information via sts:GetCallerIdentity

2021/04/20 11:30:35 [DEBUG] [aws-sdk-go] DEBUG: Request sts/GetCallerIdentity Details:

---[ REQUEST POST-SIGN ]-----------------------------



User-Agent: aws-sdk-go/1.37.0 (go1.15.6; linux; amd64) APN/1.0 HashiCorp/1.0 Terraform/0.14.7

Content-Length: 43

X-Amz-Date: 20210420T113035Z

X-Amz-Security-Token: xxxxxxxxxx

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Connection: close

Content-Length: 462

Content-Type: text/xml

Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2021 11:30:34 GMT

X-Amzn-Requestid: 50c57d8f-66c4-4807-9eb9-4ba240f3fbdd

2021/04/20 11:30:35 [DEBUG] [aws-sdk-go]

arn:aws:sts::xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:assumed-role/dev-eks-node-role/i-9hjh76fffa85ccf9bfa252 xhjhkjhfhfhghjkljlk:i-08cda85ccf9bfa252 11111111111111 50c57d8f-gh909uhj-4807-9eb9-4ba240f3fbdd

2021/04/20 11:30:35 [DEBUG] checking for provisioner in "."

2021/04/20 11:30:35 [DEBUG] checking for provisioner in "/bin"

2021/04/20 11:30:35 [INFO] Failed to read plugin lock file .terraform/plugins/linux_amd64/lock.json: open .terraform/plugins/linux_amd64/lock.json: no such file or directory

Here as we can see the Runner makes call for Identity and gets eks-node role i.e worker node Role, instead of the Pod Role.

The AWS team has verified all the IAM rle and eks cluster settings, its now terraform issue thats giving wrong output.

I have tried all suggestions from blogs but not able to get pass this worker node Role. I do not want the worker node role to come in picture, but Pod Role should be used. The Pod has AWS_ROLE_ARN set correctly.

Please assist asap