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Multiple entries for SBSCL within the Simulation Database #41

Open luciansmith opened 1 year ago

luciansmith commented 1 year ago

Moved from sourceforge, from @draeger:

The page has two entries about SBSCL (the Systems Biology Simulation Core Library):

Since we are about to also upload new results for SBSCL version 2.1, we'd like to ask if it is somehow possible to group existing entries? Or should older ones be replaced by newer ones? In the latter case, we'd like to know how to delete the older entries?

Thanks for the help! Andreas

luciansmith commented 1 year ago

From @fbergmann Hello Andreas,

I'm not sure how likely it is to change the display at this point. The results should have been grouped, if the names of the simulators are the same (in that case only the latest version would appear in the list). Since here the names differ, that would be an issue.

you could just let me know which entries you'd like to have removed. Also please drop me a mail, when you want the new results to go public.

cheers Frank

luciansmith commented 1 year ago

From @draeger:

Hi Frank,

obviously, a mistake happened here. The names should match but different persons uploaded the results and used diverging names. Is it possible to change the name of one of both to make them merge?

Cheers Andreas

luciansmith commented 1 year ago

From @fbergmann:

I can change the 1.2 name to 'Systems Biology Simulation Core Library (SBSCL)' (you or whoever created the entry should also be possible to edit / remove it). If you give me the go ahead i will.

luciansmith commented 1 year ago

From @draeger:

Thanks! That would be so helpful if it isn’t too much effort for you! Enjoy the weekend.

Best wishes!

Andreas Dräger