sboli / twmn

A notification system for tiling window managers
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Using Sound in twmnc #82

Closed astralspurs closed 6 years ago

astralspurs commented 6 years ago

Hi there,

I'm trying to put together a simple timer app that dings when a timer has elapsed.

I've tried using the twmnc flag, i.e.: twmnc -t "$msg" -c "$duration minutes have passed" -sc "mpv ~/path/to/sfx.aac"

I've also looked at the "sound_command=" option in twmn.conf, but to not avail. I'm just looking for some more guidance to use sound features in twmn as I haven't been able to find any docs that talk about this.

Thanks for your help.

sboli commented 6 years ago

That's exactly how you should proceed. Don't forget to escape the path in the command, as such: --sc "mpv \"/some/path/file.ext\""