sbonner1 / Senior-Design-I

Senior year team project for Senior Design I. The goal is to build and program a robotic arm to recognize a simple image and attempt to replicate it.
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Receive array of vertices from image processing process #31

Closed sbonner1 closed 10 years ago

sbonner1 commented 10 years ago

Sam and I will assist Josh on the array of vertices by trying to figure out from our end the easiest way for the board to receive the information and pass it to the Arduino IDE.

jcoady9 commented 10 years ago

isn't this issue the same as #30 Send required vertices to Arduino?

sbonner1 commented 10 years ago

Sam: see if this helps you

sbonner1 commented 10 years ago

and this:

shamor commented 10 years ago

Can receive coordinates, however, Arduino doesn't allow them to be parsed correctly.

shamor commented 10 years ago

Arduino now parses them correct, it just sucks at sending a response.