Open freakexeuLow opened 4 years ago
This usually happens when you have set your webhook incorrectly. Add "" around the url of your webhook, like so:
sbpp_discord_banhook "https://mywebhook"
Hi, same error for me. I added "" around the url but the result is same! And there's more!
L 10/14/2021 - 00:41:21: AidenPearce<2><STEAM_1:****><> used: say "!report" AidenPearce: !report L 10/14/2021 - 00:41:21: AidenPearce<2><STEAM_1:****><> used: sm_report L 10/14/2021 - 00:41:26: AidenPearce<2><STEAM_1:****><> used: say "testinggggggggg" src/common/httpclient.cpp (780) : Assertion Failed: pHost && pHost src/common/httpclient.cpp (780) : Assertion Failed: pHost && pHost L 10/14/2021 - 00:41:26: [sbpp_discord.smx] HTTP request failed for AidenPearce against AidenPearce
Hey Rumble :3 unfortunately I have a problem, is it possible to solve this problem or is the plugin no longer supported?