sbpp / discord-forward

Listens for forward SBPP_OnBanPlayer and SBPP_OnReportPlayer and sends it to Discord's webhook endpoint(s)
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 4 forks source link

Show Map Name in WebHook #9

Open crashzk opened 5 years ago

crashzk commented 5 years ago

Currently in the message that the plugin sends to the discord chat shows the following information, follows a prints: image image It would be interesting if both the report message and the punishment message showed which report map or ban was made. That would help if you need to get a demo.

Until the date and time would be interesting to put, even if in the Discord already show the time and date of the message when sending some message.

Would this be possible in future updates?

rumblefrog commented 5 years ago

It'd be a breaking change if added and I'm not looking to do that ATM.

TheByKotik commented 5 years ago

Currently in the message that the plugin sends to the discord chat shows the following information, follows a prints: image image It would be interesting if both the report message and the punishment message showed which report map or ban was made. That would help if you need to get a demo.

Until the date and time would be interesting to put, even if in the Discord already show the time and date of the message when sending some message.

Would this be possible in future updates?

You can test it on my fork. (: (If I understand you correctly).

crashzk commented 5 years ago

OMG... I'll be testing your @TheByKotik version, if everything is working notice here and hope you can do a pull for it to be implemented here as well.

Thank you in any case and soon return with the results.

rumblefrog commented 5 years ago

Oops, thought this was my SCR repo, didn't realize it was Discord Forward. Yeah, it's plausible, PRs are welcome.