Closed eNNercY1337 closed 8 years ago
Any logs, what sourcemod version?
SourceMod v1.7.3-dev+5283 and cant see anything suspicious in the logs.
Check the sourcemod logs, check the sourcebans log, I can't do much without logs
L 02/15/2016 - 09:56:12: [sourcebans.smx] " -<4><[U:1:74739569]><>" banned " -<4><[U:1:74739569]><>" (minutes "1") (reason "¤½ test1234")
used the following command > /ban @me 1 test1234
seems like it adds on its own "¤½" to the reason, might be the reason why it cant display it on the web page?
This is a plugin issue, @stickz, where are you
any ETA when this is getting fixed?
Tell @stickz
I would like to add that something similar happens with /mute and /gag. [SourceComms] Issued an extended gag on Rick Sanchez for 30 minutes (reason: |7 ayer rea|7 ayer rea|7 ayer rea|7 ayer reason).
it uses that same reason everytime even if you don't list a reason. It also doesn't seem to push it to the database. A temp fix was to restart the TF2 server that had been up for about 2 weeks straight.
i experience the same issue.
no offense but i wonder if the plugin even got tested before it got released lol
This reason code is absolutely horrible on the ban command. I am working on simplifying it currently.
@stickz can you also patch up sourcecomms
sourcebans is also still broken.
@stickz Currently quotation marks are broken with Team Fortress 2. Putting " into the chat, results in it being changed to '. As a result the plugin refuses any reason believing that there is no quotations around the reason.
If one instead tries to use the console, which does allow quotes, it seems there is now a bug that prevents the plugin from correctly doing so.
Typing in sm_ban player 0 "This is my Reason" results in the Reason menu being brought up for you to select from. Choosing one of the option triggers the ban for that reason, not to the original one in the string.
Yeah, that patch is pretty broken, especially since the required change was much simpler.
// Get the reason
new String:reason[128];
if (args >= 3)
GetCmdArg(3, reason, sizeof(reason));
for (new i = 4; i <= args; i++)
GetCmdArg(i, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
Format(reason, sizeof(reason), "%s %s", reason, buffer);
@asherkin I'm not the best person to contact if anyone has plugin issues
@Sarabveer Is sourcecomms broken aswell? It shouldn't be.
@stickz it is. according to @eNNercY1337 @jdlovins
sourcecomms isnt fixed either
I'm having an issue with sourcecomms where if we leave the mute/gag reason blank, it inserts it's own which is "|7 layer re layer re layer re ayer reason" and for each new mute it keeps adding on to that.
@PrinceDrew I know, but I'm not the best sourcepawn scripter out there. im waiting for someone to nicely volunteer to the project.
@Sarabveer That's fine, I just wanted to let you know, and anyone reading this, that SourceComms is indeed still broken and what is wrong with it.
I fixed bug with syntax queries from SourceComms. With logging queries.
Find this line in sourcecomms.sp (string 2889):
decl String:sQueryMute[1024], String:sQueryGag[1024];
Replace decl on new.
new String:sQueryMute[1024], String:sQueryGag[1024];
Save and compile. After these simple manipulations, SourceComms started normally add mutes/gags.
My SourceBans (warning, i translating SB++ into russian language):
after playing in the update (1.5.4) it seems like that when you ban via chat (/ban @me 1 reason) or also via console that it doesnt provide a reason on sourcebans itself, just remains empty. if you use the regular menu though it displays the reason.
both web and servers run the lastest version off from github.