sbpp / sourcebans-pp

Admin, ban, and comms management system for the Source engine
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Web-panel admin login issue after upgrading from SBPP 1.6.4 to 1.7.0 #901

Open Mecha-Weasel opened 1 year ago

Mecha-Weasel commented 1 year ago

What are the steps to reproduce this issue?

  1. Have SBPP 1.6.4 setup to use Steam authentication for Admins in the web-panel
  2. Upgraded in-place from SBPP 1.6.4 to 1.7.0 successfully (with required upgrade to PHP 8.1+ in Apache modules), ran /updater script, etc.
  3. Try to login to web-panel with Steam authentication.

What happens?

Errors displayed after logging-into Steam, during re-direct back to SBPP web-panel: sourcebanspp-steam-login-error Dashboard works fine (non-Admin), but trying to login as an Admin is broken.

What were you expecting to happen?

Successfully authentication in Steam and returned-to SBPP web-panel, as it did successfully under prior SBPP 1.6.4 installation.

Any logs, error output, etc.?

See attached screenshot.

Any other comments?


What versions of software are you using?

Operating System: Debian 11, 64-bit SourceBans++ Version: Was 1.6.4, now 1.7.0 PHP Version: 8.2 MySQL Version: MariaDB 10.5.19 Link to your project: n/a Link to a phpinfo() output: n/a

Mecha-Weasel commented 1 year ago

PS: Rolled-back web-panel to 1.6.4 (I saved a backup copy of the entire folder), and set Apache PHP back to 7.x; and everything works as before.

Rushaway commented 6 months ago

Make sure to have the folder "templates_c" and using PHP 8.1.