sbrajesh / cosmicbuddy

Cosmic Buddy Theme for BuddyPress
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Translating (.pot file) #8

Open demon-ru opened 12 years ago

demon-ru commented 12 years ago

My native language is not english. Thats why... plz:

  1. Using (for example) create .pot file for translating theme in other languages.
  2. Plz, delete other than 'cb' and 'buddypress' namespaces in gettext: bpdev, bpmag
  3. Place cb.pot in languages directory
  4. If you find any text without _e() in code... plz replace it.

Thanks a lot!

demon-ru commented 12 years ago

And some changes in functions.php

function cb_setup_theme(){ load_theme_textdomain('cb', get_template_directory() . '/languages');

May be it is enough... Some plugins (such as Localization) can generate .po file automaticaly.

demon-ru commented 12 years ago

And... some buddypress phrases has mistakes. For example: register.php: "I would like my blog to appear in search engines, and in public listings around this site" in new reduction: "I would like my site to appear in search engines, and in public listings around this network"