sbrin / lopaka

Lopaka - Stunning graphics for embedded systems displays
Apache License 2.0
315 stars 18 forks source link

Image import wizard #135

Closed deadlink closed 3 weeks ago

deadlink commented 4 months ago

Improved image import

Also a new feature: you can select a part of the screen using alt/option + click + move the mouse, and after releasing the mouse, a new image layer with a part of the selected screen will be created

codesandbox[bot] commented 4 months ago

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cloudflare-pages[bot] commented 4 months ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

Coverage Report

Status Category Percentage Covered / Total
🔵 Lines 51.56% 3391 / 6576
🔵 Statements 51.56% 3391 / 6576
🔵 Functions 22.53% 119 / 528
🔵 Branches 83.89% 224 / 267
File Coverage
File Stmts % Branch % Funcs % Lines Uncovered Lines
Changed Files
src/utils.ts 22.58% 80% 21.73% 22.58% 20-30, 32-42, 44-52, 54-60, 71-72, 80-85, 93-139, 141-143, 146-150, 152-164, 175-176, 187-190, 207-219, 225-245, 248-297, 304-307, 311-314, 318-328, 331-338, 341-344, 354-366, 369-381, 384-397, 400-416, 422-428, 434-443, 446-494, 497-506, 509-518, 521-533, 536-544, 547-576, 579-594, 597-628, 630-632, 634-639, 641-643, 645-647, 649-651, 654-695
src/core/session.ts 52.76% 79.16% 55% 52.76% 81-90, 92-115, 117-129, 131-144, 146-153, 210-211, 214-220, 223-241, 254-311, 321-324, 331-339, 353-355
src/core/layers/abstract-image.layer.ts 68.21% 100% 33.33% 68.21% 58-60, 66-68, 74-78, 84-86, 92-95, 101-102, 111-128, 131-140
src/core/layers/icon.layer.ts 77.34% 100% 0% 77.34% 95-103, 106-122, 125-127
src/draw/virtual-screen.ts 44.85% 60% 33.33% 44.85% 53-54, 73-96, 99-113, 116-118, 126-132, 134-140, 142-143, 149-197, 201-203, 206-209, 212-213
src/editor/plugins/select.plugin.ts 20.3% 100% 0% 20.3% 17-24, 27-57, 60-75, 78-90, 93-119, 122-132
Generated in workflow #82