sbrin / lopaka

Lopaka - Stunning graphics for embedded systems displays
Apache License 2.0
315 stars 18 forks source link

Release 0.45 #144

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sbrin commented 3 months ago

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Coverage Report

Status Category Percentage Covered / Total
🔵 Lines 52.98% 3226 / 6088
🔵 Statements 52.98% 3226 / 6088
🔵 Functions 22.89% 114 / 498
🔵 Branches 84.37% 216 / 256
File Coverage
File Stmts % Branch % Funcs % Lines Uncovered Lines
Changed Files
src/utils.ts 27.23% 78.94% 31.03% 27.23% 10-20, 22-32, 34-42, 44-50, 61-62, 70-75, 83-133, 136-155, 158-162, 173-174, 185-188, 205-217, 223-243, 246-295, 302-305, 309-312, 316-326, 329-336, 339-342, 352-364, 367-379, 382-395, 398-414, 417-426
src/core/displays.ts 100% 100% 100% 100%
src/core/history.ts 75.75% 100% 37.5% 75.75% 22-24, 27-30, 33-37, 50-51, 58-59
src/core/keys.enum.ts 100% 100% 100% 100%
src/core/platforms.ts 90.47% 100% 0% 90.47% 18-19
src/core/session.ts 54.02% 79.16% 57.89% 54.02% 79-88, 90-113, 115-128, 130-137, 194-195, 198-204, 207-225, 238-295, 305-308, 315-325, 339-341
src/core/decorators/mapping.ts 68.87% 78.12% 71.42% 68.87% 32-33, 49-71, 90, 103-123
src/core/layers/abstract-image.layer.ts 66.03% 100% 33.33% 66.03% 58-60, 66-68, 74-78, 84-86, 92-95, 101-102, 109-114, 119-136, 139-148
src/core/layers/abstract.layer.ts 84.9% 100% 18.18% 84.9% 140-141, 149-157, 164-165, 177-180, 187-188, 195-196, 199-207, 210-211
src/core/layers/circle.layer.ts 50.47% 100% 11.11% 50.47% 27-30, 36-39, 45-48, 54-56, 62-65, 71-73, 93-98, 100-102, 107-110, 112-113, 118-123, 125-127, 132, 134-139, 144-158, 161-186, 189-191, 194-200
src/core/layers/dot.layer.ts 72.72% 100% 66.66% 72.72% 28-39
src/core/layers/ellipse.layer.ts 46.21% 100% 10.34% 46.21% 26-29, 35-38, 44-47, 53-56, 62-64, 70-73, 79-81, 101-106, 108-115, 120-123, 125-129, 134-139, 141-148, 153, 155-166, 171-187, 190-214, 217-219, 222-228
src/core/layers/icon.layer.ts 76.98% 100% 0% 76.98% 93-101, 104-120, 123-125
src/core/layers/line.layer.ts 59.23% 100% 13.04% 59.23% 23-26, 32-35, 41-44, 50-53, 59-62, 68-70, 91-92, 98-99, 104-112, 115-133, 136-138, 141-146
src/core/layers/paint.layer.ts 47.4% 100% 5.88% 47.4% 14-17, 23-26, 40-43, 49-51, 57-59, 76-86, 89-122, 125-128, 131-134
src/core/layers/rectangle.layer.ts 52.63% 100% 10.34% 52.63% 26-30, 36-39, 45-48, 54-57, 63-65, 71-74, 80-82, 91-96, 98-100, 105-108, 110-111, 116-121, 123-125, 130, 132-134, 150-164, 167-186, 189-191, 194-199
src/core/layers/text.layer.ts 57.48% 100% 14.28% 57.48% 26-29, 35-38, 44-47, 53-56, 62-65, 71-74, 80-82, 106-118, 121-136, 139-141, 144-155
src/draw/plugins/highlight.plugin.ts 13.95% 100% 0% 13.95% 6-42
src/draw/plugins/paint-highlight.plugin.ts 22% 100% 0% 22% 11-49
src/draw/plugins/resize-icons.plugin.ts 24% 100% 0% 24% 6-24
src/draw/plugins/ruler.plugin.ts 21.73% 100% 0% 21.73% 5-22
src/draw/plugins/smart-ruler.plugin.ts 9.25% 100% 0% 9.25% 5-53
src/editor/editor.ts 39.06% 100% 13.33% 39.06% 62-68, 71-86, 89-90, 98-107, 110-158, 161-167, 169-176, 178-184, 186-192, 194-200, 202-208, 210-211, 213-214
src/editor/plugins/copy.plugin.ts 28.57% 100% 0% 28.57% 13-45, 47-48
src/editor/plugins/history.plugin.ts 54.54% 100% 0% 54.54% 6-10
src/editor/plugins/move.plugin.ts 13.51% 100% 0% 13.51% 7-8, 11-23, 26-31, 34-43, 46-110
src/editor/plugins/paint.plugin.ts 24.65% 100% 0% 24.65% 8-9, 12-39, 42-48, 51-57, 60-68, 71-72
src/editor/plugins/resize.plugin.ts 22.38% 100% 0% 22.38% 7-8, 11-13, 16-33, 36-59, 62-66
src/editor/plugins/select.plugin.ts 21.66% 100% 0% 21.66% 16-23, 26-49, 52-67, 70-82, 85-106, 109-119
src/platforms/adafruit.ts 98.85% 70% 100% 98.85% 56
src/platforms/adafruit_mono.ts 100% 100% 100% 100%
src/platforms/flipper.ts 99.02% 90.9% 100% 99.02% 79
src/platforms/inkplate.ts 88.52% 33.33% 100% 88.52% 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 57
src/platforms/layers.mock.ts 100% 100% 100% 100%
src/platforms/platform.ts 88.63% 100% 44.44% 88.63% 58-59, 62-63, 66-67, 82-83, 86-87
src/platforms/u8g2.ts 98.96% 70% 100% 98.96% 67
src/platforms/parsers/abstract-parser.ts 25.39% 100% 20% 25.39% 8-36, 39-45, 48-56, 59-60
src/platforms/parsers/adafruit.parser.ts 7.43% 100% 0% 7.43% 7-116, 119-120
src/platforms/parsers/flipper.parser.ts 9.91% 100% 33.33% 9.91% 10-16, 19-120
src/platforms/parsers/inkplate.parser.ts 20% 100% 0% 20% 5-24
src/platforms/parsers/source-map-parser.ts 25% 100% 50% 25% 8-31
src/platforms/parsers/u8g2.parser.ts 6.03% 100% 0% 6.03% 7-115
Generated in workflow #44
cloudflare-pages[bot] commented 3 months ago

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