sbrisard / Scapin.jl

A framework for FFT-based, full-field numerical simulation of heterogeneous materials
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Incorrect LaTeX output of equations #1

Closed sbrisard closed 2 years ago

sbrisard commented 3 years ago

In order to use numbered equations, MathJax was activated in this project. Then, equations in the documentation source files are defined as follows


This produces the desired HTML output. However, for LaTeX output, the above code block produces


The nested equation* and equation environment lead to a compilation error. A simple cure would be to change the function function latex(io::IO, math::Markdown.LaTeX) (see here) in the Documenter.jl package.

Indeed, this function reads

# This (equation*, split) math env seems to be the only way to correctly render all the
# equations in the Julia manual. However, if the equation is already wrapped in
# align/align*, then there is no need to further wrap it (in fact, it will break).
function latex(io::IO, math::Markdown.LaTeX)
    if occursin(r"^\\begin\{align\*?\}", math.formula)
        _print(io, math.formula)
        _print(io, "\\begin{equation*}\n\\begin{split}")
        _print(io, math.formula)
        _println(io, "\\end{split}\\end{equation*}")

The regex analysis should be widened to more mathematical environments.

sbrisard commented 3 years ago


Managing the PR

pkg> dev Documenter

LaTeX environments to be watched for

and the starred versions.

Modified RegEx

sbrisard commented 3 years ago

PR submitted to Documenter.jl.

sbrisard commented 2 years ago

Closing this issue as the theoretical documentation is now a separate, pure LaTeX project (see LS-intro).