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IIS Setup Instructions/config #228

Closed npnance closed 2 years ago

npnance commented 2 years ago


I was able to install Pepperminty locally on my Win 10 machine with IIS. If you'd like to add this to the setup instructions, please do.

For those running IIS, the following will grant the appropriate read and write permissions to the IIS_IUSRS group, and prevent the peppermint.json file from being retrieved.

Open an elevated (administrator) Command Prompt and run the following. Change the "installdir" variable to the directory where you've placed the Pepperminty index.php file. This assumes your IIS website is named "Default Web Site" and that you want to create a "pepperminty" application under it. If yours is different, change the variables appropriately.

SET installdir=c:\inetpub\wwwroot\pepperminty\
SET iissitename="Default Web Site"
SET iisappfull="Default Web Site/pepperminty"
SET iisapppath="/pepperminty"

cd /d %WINDIR%\system32\inetsrv\
appcmd add app / /path:%iisapppath% /physicalPath:%installdir%
appcmd set config %iisappfull% -section:system.webServer/security/requestFiltering /+"hiddenSegments.[segment='peppermint.json']"
cd /d %installdir%
icacls . /grant IIS_IUSRS:(OI)(CI)RXWM


sbrl commented 2 years ago

Hey there! Thanks for the instructions here! Unfortunately, I do not have a Windows machine to verify these instructions, but I trust you here :-)

Have you considered opening a pull request? You'll probably want to make an edit to the docs here:

They are all in Markdown, so no fancy HTML/CSS/JS editing necessary :-)

npnance commented 2 years ago

Will do.