sbshah97 / What-omation

Parsing WhatsApp Web on the Linux Terminal and using the terminal with advanced functionality like creating local backups of chats and implementing a chat bot for WhatsApp
MIT License
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Get Chats feature not working #9

Open ceciliacsilva opened 7 years ago

ceciliacsilva commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to run the branch bhai. The command "source activate wa-web" isn't working ("bash: activate: File or directory not found"). If I ignore this error, the program runs, opens the browser, I instantiate a session on the mobile, but commands do not work right.

For example:

gc -- getChats = "Failed to get messages", probably because there is no directory named chat.

Issue to resolve:

sbshah97 commented 7 years ago

Hey, Are you running the command inside the folder. Also, make sure you've installed virtualenv Run the command pip install virtualenv

Also did you login via the browser?

ceciliacsilva commented 7 years ago

Hi, I'm using now, the environment seems to work. I'm authenticating through the browser. The main program still doesn't respond what I'm expecting. Do the commands work there? If you type:

  # bot start

Are the messages answered by their XML?

(Session info: chrome=58.0.3029.110)
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.25.426924 (649f9b868f6783ec9de71c123212b908bf3b232e),platform=Linux 4.4.0-78-generic x86_64)
sbshah97 commented 7 years ago

Hey, so the bot functionality doesn't work! I'll probably get around it one day! Still need to write that AIML Code but other features of sending a message does work out!

ceciliacsilva commented 7 years ago

Thanks! =)

sbshah97 commented 7 years ago

Hey pull the latest code and I've created the folder as well! You can send a Pull Request for the Get Chats feature.