sbt / sbt-coffeescript

A CoffeeScript plugin for SBT
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Compilation of files with symbolic links does not work #12

Open niladic opened 9 years ago

niladic commented 9 years ago

Putting in the assets directory a symbolic link to a directory with .coffee files results in a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: runOps function returned results for unknown ops.

The exception is thrown by sbt-web here because prunedOpsSet are the paths with the symbolic links and resultOpsSet are the canonical paths (no symbolic link). The canonical path seems to be resolved by sbt-js-engine here.

The assets task fails, but coffeescript compilation seems to work, the .js and files are created in the "right" place.

I am not sure from which plugin the issue comes from and what would be the correct way to fix it, but it would be great to be able to put symbolic links.

Mataio commented 8 years ago

To solve this problem just go to build.sbt and add on

libraryDependecies ++= Seq (
"org.webjars" % "coffee-script" % "1.6.3")

But after doing it you have to comment this line on plugins.sbt

addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-coffeescript" % "1.0.0")