Unfortunately the Bintray badge on the readme is broken, I guess due to Bintray being sunset? However, this new Scaladex badge can replace the old Bintray badge - it summarises which versions of sbt are supported by sbt-native-packager (and what the latest sbt-native-packager version is for each of those sbt versions):
Unfortunately the Bintray badge on the readme is broken, I guess due to Bintray being sunset? However, this new Scaladex badge can replace the old Bintray badge - it summarises which versions of sbt are supported by sbt-native-packager (and what the latest sbt-native-packager version is for each of those sbt versions):
More details on the badge format here: https://github.com/scalacenter/scaladex/pull/660 (with some extra changes to better support sbt in https://github.com/scalacenter/scaladex/pull/674).