I am using one-jar to package my application. I am also using aspectj for some of the functionality. However, it is taking too much time (5min- 15min) just to start the jar file if I provide the javaagent as the aspectjweaver jar file. It is working fine if I run through sbt, with no delay in weaving. Is there anything I can do to make it faster ?
Also, I guess, I have to explicitly provide the javaagent while running the jar file. Is it not able to take it from the build.sbt, or am I missing something ?
+1 same issue, kamon-newrelic requires aspectj, and specifying -javaagent:/root/.ivy2/cache/org.aspectj/aspectjweaver/jars/aspectjweaver-1.8.2.jar to a one-jar its taking 10mins to load.
I am using one-jar to package my application. I am also using aspectj for some of the functionality. However, it is taking too much time (5min- 15min) just to start the jar file if I provide the javaagent as the aspectjweaver jar file. It is working fine if I run through sbt, with no delay in weaving. Is there anything I can do to make it faster ? Also, I guess, I have to explicitly provide the javaagent while running the jar file. Is it not able to take it from the build.sbt, or am I missing something ?