sbt / sbt-pgp

PGP plugin for sbt
144 stars 56 forks source link

Enable OpenPGP support via pinentry #142

Closed wsargent closed 6 years ago

wsargent commented 6 years ago

Adds a pinentry option to sbt-pgp, by using the --pinentry-mode loopback option specified in

Adds a useGpgPinentry boolean key that if set with useGpg and useGpgAgent set, will use a specialized signer CommandLineGpgPinentrySigner.

This is useful when using GPG with gpg-agent and a smartcard device with OpenPGP support. In this situation, there is no local secring on the hard drive, and the secret key is kept on the card itself.



This is currently missing ways to effectively test for pinentry. suggests PINENTRY_USER_DATA and fake-pinentries.

Right now I'm testing this locally:

useGpg := true
useGpgAgent := true
useGpgPinentry := true    

and then killing gpg-agent to ensure that the PIN is not cached, and running publishLocalSigned:

gpgconf --kill gpg-agent && gpgconf --launch gpg-agent
sbt publishLocalSigned