sbt / sbt-s3

sbt-s3 is a simple sbt plugin to manipulate objects on Amazon S3
Apache License 2.0
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s3Upload not working #53

Closed Timunas closed 3 years ago

Timunas commented 6 years ago


I'm trying to use this plugin in order to upload some files into an aws s3 bucket, however I'm not being capable of using it.

I have a multiproject sbt configuration and I defined in one of the subprojects and it seems that the file upload is not working properly.

My configuration:

val techDocumentation =
Project(id = "tech-documentation", base = file("tech-documentation"))

lazy val techDocumentationSettings = sharedSettings ++ Seq(
  name                         := "tech-documentation",
  // Do not publish anything
  publishArtifact in (Compile, packageBin) := false,
  publishArtifact in (Compile, packageDoc) := false,
  s3Host in s3Upload         := "awesome-docs",
  s3Progress in s3Upload  := true,
  mappings in s3Upload     := tasks.buildDocs.value

I tried both running sbt s3-upload or sbt s3Upload without success. It says it is not a valid command.

error] Not a valid command: s3-upload (similar: loadp, reload) [error] Not a valid project ID: s3-upload [error] Expected ':' (if selecting a configuration) [error] Expected '::' [error] Not a valid key: s3-upload (similar: on-unload, on-load, test-loader) [error] s3-upload

Using version 0.10 and sbt 0.13.15

LiadBerko commented 5 years ago

Hi Timunas, did you manage to solve that?

odenzo commented 3 years ago

s3Upload command seems to be the command.

emersonloureiro commented 3 years ago

Looks like just the task was incorrect, resolving.