Open Facsimiler opened 7 years ago
I'm having the same problem, both in Scala 2.11.8 and 2.12.1. My error looks slightly different:
[info] Main Scala API documentation to /home/hhrutz/Documents/devel/Mellite/site/target/scala-2.12/unidoc...
[error] /home/hhrutz/.sbt/0.13/staging/826f0b08a174143cc2c0/mellite/src/main/scala-2.12/de/sciss/mellite/gui/impl/FScapeOutputsViewImpl.scala:106: can't expand macros compiled by previous versions of Scala
[error] if (res === OptionPane.Result.Ok) {
[error] ^
[error] /home/hhrutz/.sbt/0.13/staging/826f0b08a174143cc2c0/mellite/src/main/scala/de/sciss/mellite/ProcActions.scala:133: can't expand macros compiled by previous versions of Scala
[error] if (key !== Proc.mainIn) {
[error] ^
[error] /home/hhrutz/.sbt/0.13/staging/826f0b08a174143cc2c0/mellite/src/main/scala/de/sciss/mellite/gui/ActionArtifactLocation.scala:86: can't expand macros compiled by previous versions of Scala
[error] if (optRes === 0) {
[error] ^
In my case, adding scala-reflect to the unidoc project solved the issue for me:
+ libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
+ "org.scala-lang" % "scala-reflect" % scalaVersion.value % "provided"
+ ),
I just revisited this issue, which is still present in Scala 2.12.8, and found that if I remove the -implicits
flag, the assertion error no longer occurs.
@Sciss It appears that our issues are different. I tried adding the scala-reflect
dependency, and it made no difference.
I recently switched to using Scala 2.12, and have since found that Unidoc fails when processing sources containing macro definitions. Specifically, an assertion error results.
option has been deprecated in favor ofYmacro-expand:none
as of Scala 2.12, so I'm using that, but otherwise, there aren't too many changes I can recall from the sources I used with Scala 2.11.Unidoc worked fine with the same code under Scala 2.12. Am I missing something?
Here's what I'm seeing:
This is then followed by a repeat of the original error message heading, without the stack trace. I'm not sure what line of the file is causing the failure.
Any ideas?
UPDATE: Incidentally, if I generate documentation using "doc" instead, I don't get any errors.